Faint line?


I took my first pregnancy test February 28th. It was positive but faint. It was a first response. I took the 2nd one March 2nd. It was faint to but it was the purple dollar one. I decided to get another first response on March 6th and that time the test was super dark. I've had 2 miscarriages and im afraid of loosing this one. I prayed hard to have this baby. I bought another first response test that has the 2 tests in it. This time the line was faint again and it has me worried that my hcg is going down. I haven't had terrible cramps just some dull aches. I haven't bled I'm 4 days late for my period. Idk whats going on. I had to pee really bad when I took the test and it kind of got everywhere so I don't think I left in in for 5 seconds. I was afraid of messing up the test. Idk if thats why its light or something else. I just want some help and reassurance. I just can't loose this one to. Top is the one I took today.