For those who don't know Jesus..❤

Leandra • JESUS 👑🙌❤ Mama of two beautiful kids and of an angel baby🌺 Happily married to my man💍💗 ttc baby#4, 20 years old, Tennessee gal. 🏞

God for so loved the world, He sent one and only begotten son named Jesus Christ ❤

He turned water into wine, fed 5,000 people with loaves & fish, rose Lazarus from the dead after 4 days, healed a paralyzed man, and stilled a storm.

He died for you and for your sins on a cross

He resurrected 3 days later on a Sunday

He loves you unconditionally ❤

God also loves you unconditionally❤

Pray to Him and kneel before Him as He is Kings of kings.

He is our Lord and Savior forever and ever, Amen
