Decreased movement at 24 weeks



I can’t find anything useful about decreased movement before 28 weeks.

This is my first baby. I’ve been feeling her move since 17 weeks. I’ve felt her every day since I got my first distinct kick. She’s gotten consistently stronger and I can now see her kicks from the outside.

The last 24 ish hours I’m not getting much movement at all. I’ve tried all the things you’re supposed to do to get movement but she’s just not responding. She’s usually on a schedule and kicks a bunch around 10am and then goes absolutely crazy at around 6 or 7pm for the rest of the night. Yesterday I got my 10am kicks but not much of anything since.

I know baby is still small and can just get into a position where you don’t feel them at this stage but I’m just worried because Ive felt her every single day since that first kick, this is very unusual.

I don’t know if I should call the doctor or if they would even do anything about decreased movement before 28 weeks.

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Posted at
Any update??


Ryan • Feb 15, 2024
Thanku so much for replying. I am 24+2 today and a first time mom. Even i started to feel minor movement from 17 weeks. Though it was mostly on and off but recently i have started to feel more stronger movements. And for the last 24 hours i havnt feel him move even in his usual time which is around evening and at night. So i was super concerned and wanted to know if its the same for others too.


Ju • Feb 15, 2024
This is a crazy old post! Baby is a lively 2.5 year old now!


Posted at
Any update?


Posted at
Babies aren’t consistent until about 28 weeks, sometimes 26Some babies are also never consistent


Posted at
You can call, but they probably won’t do anything. My baby is very active and he’s also had a day or two here or there that’s quiet. It’s totally normal which is why movement isn’t tracked before 28 weeks, because what your experiencing is the expectation.


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U can call, but it’s not uncommon for baby to move and not be predictable just yet. If I’ve felt movements at all then that counts, it doesn’t need to be strong or intense right now.


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You can definitely call your doctor if you're worried.