Having kids can be a mess


You as parent what do you do? When one kid wants the same toy but one of them had it first ? Do you take it away from your child to give it to the kid crying ? Or do you ignore the situation and let your kid keep it? Theirs a lot of different situations where I have been with my toddlers and their little cousins. For example, my niece had a toy stroller and my daughter started crying that she wanted to use it I quickly came and told “my daughter that is not your toy and just because you are crying and it doesn’t mean your going to get what you want” Because it’s true just because she’s crying doesn’t give me the right to take away someone’s toy and give it to the other kid you know. Well here’s another example. My son had a batman toy he was playing with it and he took his eyes off it for a second his other cousin grabbed it and my son started crying. “Well my husband kept telling our son you have to share, it’s okay his going to give it to you right now” his mom didn’t do anything so we had to get our son because he wanted to get his toy back. So what do you really do in this type of situations? Do you let your kids share their stuff? What’s the best solution? Especially when some parents sometimes won’t do or say anything?