HCG rates


Hi all!

So this past Monday I got a positive blood test after my 5th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle. That was the good news. But the hcg was low at 37. So I’ve been doing blood test every other day. Wednesday I went up to 90 (2.5X rate), Friday I went up to 223 (2.5X rate again). I was quite pleased because nurse wanted at least a 66% increase and ideally an 100% increase and I exceeded that. Today though I went up to 452, which is 2X.

So should I be concerned that even though 2X is what they say they want that the rate of increase went down from 2.5 to 2?!

I’m freaking out a little because I had a missed miscarriage 2 years ago and that was due to low rising HCG (though I was never above a 50% increase then).

