Am I wrong to ask?

So my fiance and I are getting married in 60 days. He's a virgin still, I'm not. But im also a very private person. I don't want when we get married and have sex for him to tell his friends or anyone or if anyone for him to confirm. I believe that stays between the 2 and behind closed doors. Is it alright for me to ask for when we do we don't tell anyone and we don't confirm it we just say that stuff stays behind closed doors and between the 2 of us. I know his friend will ask if he doesn't say anything and I don't want anyone to know by being verified but also they'll figure it out that we have but they weren't told you know.Also when should I bring it up since we get married in 2 months? It's a big thing for me because in the past guys have done that and it made me feel like an object and like crap especially since sex to me isn't just sex and that they are bragging and that I was just a conquest.