Queen 👑 • Second FET success! Soon to be mama to boy/girl Twins 💖💙

Seriously... I’ve gotten this statement 4 times already🥲 People think its so clever “YoU sHoUlD nAmE tHeM pRiNcE & pRiNcEsS”

Everywhere I go!! My friends do this... “Hey Queeny hows the prince & princess”

Even my OB’s office does this!!! “The Queen is here to check on her prince & princess”

It doesn’t matter how many times I share their names with people its like they automatically get referred to as PRINCE & PRINCESS. Jesus Christ 🥲🥲🥲🥲 It’s probably hormones or whatever but man this grinds my gears!! My mom & man think it’s hilarious 🙄🤣

Anyway thats all! Thanks for listening to me vent guys lol. 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

Side note: I do apologize for the vulgarness. Before pregnancy I worked 3/4 jobs all at once & this was one of my favorite coworkers & the only one who knew about our infertility journey. We didn’t tell anyone in the work place so the shock is deserved lol.