Baby refuses to breastfeed 😔

Hey ladies, my little one is 12 weeks old and just shows absolutely no interest in breastfeeding. We have tried since birth but still nothing. I'm so desperate to do it 😭 we are seeing a lactation consultant who diagnosed a tongue tie, cheek tie and lip tie which has since been revised. We were hoping that this may have been the problem but here we are a few days later and he still won't even attempt to latch. I don't know what else to do 😔 we've tried shields and he just knocks them off. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. My head knows it makes more sense to stop trying but my heart isn't ready to give up yet. I'm currently pumping every 3-4 hours so he's drinking expressed breastmilk and supplementing with formula also. Any advice or tips and tricks? I'm guessing I'm probably better off just stopping?

From a desperate mumma 🙏🏼