Mirena decreased breastmilk supply


I had my son in December and got the Mirena placed March 16th. I noticed a slight decrease in my milk supply the day after but I figured it would come back after my hormones leveled out. Boy was I wrong. For 2 days my baby was eating off both breasts and still want getting full. I tried formula but he wanted nothing to do with that. So I read up on removing it yourself and I did just that. It did not hurt, I pulled it slowly just like the doctor would have. Now not even 12hrs after removing it, my milk supply is increasing at a good pace. I just wish they would tell people more about this than the other side effects. I will be staying off birth control until I'm done breastfeeding. Hope I gave some a little light of hope that's going through this or something similar. I was sure I was done breastfeeding and my milk wasn't going to come back, but it is.