I need genuine advice

I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my second baby and my partners 3rd baby. We’ve been together 5 years. We tried to hard for this baby after countless heartaches we finally got out wish and are having a healthy baby.

A few months ago I received messages off a lass who he’d been talking too around Christmas time. I let it go because I’ve been a real bitch during this pregnancy so put it down to my own fault. I went to end the relationship but he begged me and swore it was a massive mistake etc etc! Anyway, yesterday, the same girl messaged me again. He’s done it again. He’s said all the same stuff to me as last time after I told him we was over last night. I’ve had no sleep at all, I’m on the verge of tears constantly. He came to bed last night so I could sleep because I can’t sleep when he isn’t laid next to me. Instead of trying to talk to me, he laid there talking to another lass. Nothing was said out of line but the fact he knew I was laid there hurting and a mess and he choose to sit there and message another girl and then when he got up this morning he messaged her almost instantly. He’s done nothing but snap at me.

I questioned myself last night, am I really that hard to be with? Am I really that hard to love? My ex did exactly the same thing to me.

We both have our names on the house, we have the nursery set up and this is my daughters home. We wouldn’t have anywhere to go and he also doesn’t have anywhere to go. So neither of us are wanting to leave.

I’m questioning everything. Do I stay and hope he’s learned but then he didn’t learn last time. Am I worth this? Is this what I deserve? 😭