Anyone still have irregular weird cycles?!


So I’m worried about my cycle and body and annoyed cuz we wanna ttc again soon so I was trying to track ovulation... backstory: so I formula fed my daughter from 2wpp due to issues with latching/my nipples and her tummy... I got my period back at 4mpp and for a few months I had it twice a month then at 6mpp it started coming regularly every month around the same time until 14mpp. Then I missed it completely that month and it was just spotting for 2 months around when it was due. I’m now 4 days late this cycle (daughter is 17 months now)... don’t get me wrong I don’t miss her but I’m frustrated it’s gonna delay ttc a sibling for our daughter! And hoping I’m healthy and everything not premenopausal or something at 35 years old! Anyone else have cycle issues still? Especially if you formula fed too! She’s on cows milk and toddler formula and lots of yummy foods now haha Thanks in advance!