Husband completely embarrassed me

Long story short

My husband and I have been together 3 years. I just had our son yesterday, was in labor eight hours.

My husband is a gamer, always playing the game. I had to get induced the other day & he really didn't want to go to the hospital with me. I had to literally make him because who else is going to help me.

Fast forward, we're in the hospital i'm dilating he says to me he thinks I should get a c-section because this taking too long. I literally had to explain to him how child birth works. Then he asked was I getting epidural I told him yes he told me his mom didn't get epidural with him &

him and I should've discussed this before we came. Then asked again how long was it going to take because he has plans.

He soon left like twice to go play the game because I was "taking too long". Finally i'm in labor not too long after he left, my mom called him & he didn't show up until after the birth. He says he was taking a shower. I was livid he missed the birth of our child. And he had nothing but excuses. Later the doctor comes in, his exact words to him were "sew a extra stitch down there for me doc we want everything the way it was before all this. My doctor gave him a funny look but just said we can't do that sir. I've never been more angry and embarrassed in my life. My husband really showed his behind today.