Levothyroxine, delayed and painful ovulation?


Hello all!

For background, this is my 13th cycle TTC. I went to my normal OB about a month ago, she said everything looked fine on my end but checked my TSH. It came back at 4.5! I started 25mcg of levothyroxine and have been on it for around 6weeks now.

I have not noticed any big changes overall, but my OPK didn’t get positive until CD 15, so I’m counting CD 16 as ovulation day, so now I’m 8DPO.

This month I also started having some pretty significant cramping around CD 8 up to O, and now has come back. I typically cramp before O but nothing like this..

I have had cyst in the past but my US was negative.

I’m hoping because my TSH was high I wasn’t actually ovulating even though previous months I was getting positive OPKS (OB said this is very possible) and this month I actually did ovulate. Anyone else have any thought on this? We have an appointment April 8th with the fertility clinic to start looking into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. When should I test?