Don't know what to title

So I'm dancing around the house like I do. Except I wouldnt really call it dancing, more like jumping around and being weird cause I'm a hyper little shit for literally no reason. I go over to our bowl of candy (which has been there since October cause we didn't get trick or treaters and we rarely eat candy) and continue bouncing around in place while I look at the different options.

My boo says "if we have more than one cupcake left (it's the Little Debbie cupcakes with cream in the middle. I bought specifically for him) you can have one" so I bounce over to the fridge as happy as can be and just demolish that cupcake lol

I can see why one of my many nicknames is 'bunny'. He also calls me puppy and kitten cause I act like them often 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm going on 22 in a few weeks and still act like a happy go lucky child for time to time. Those are honestly my favorite times because I temporarily forget about my troubles