Disrespectful children. Is it wrong to be annoyed?

Anytime I go to visit my mother I can’t stand when I see my younger 12 year old sister (I’m 24). She is such a rude kid and has always been like this due to lack of good parenting on my moms behalf. I swear it’s been like this since this girl way a baby. I love her of course because she’s my sister but I just feel like putting her in her place she she starts acting up. She leaves all her food everywhere, dirty room and cries and has the biggest tantrum when she doesn’t get what she wants. I told My mother many times about it yet she does nothing at all but complain about her. I was raised by my father and respecting people is a must. Never talk back or say anything rude and always clean after yourself. Anytime I see this girl I get in a bad mood and can’t stand looking at her. I feel bad because I’m twice her age and she’s a child but I just can’t stand her. I love kids but I can’t deal with children who are not respectful and know how to act when speaking to adults. Is it bad that I can’t stand seeing her and even refuse to see My mom when she’s around? I feel like a bad person but at the same time it’s just too much energy to have to deal with such bullshit on my days off