I don’t know who to talk to

In 2019 I had a big loss in later in the 2nd trimester. I got pregnant immediately after and now have a healthy one year old.

I just found out I was pregnant 4 days ago and today I am having a miscarriage. No one seems to understand how affected I am by this. I don’t know if people are trying to comfort me or just being insensitive saying I was barely pregnant and it wasn’t a huge loss like the first one. Also had to hear that I was so early that I wouldn’t even have know about the pregnancy if I hadn’t taken a test.

Ladies, I am still devastated. I am really feeling this loss. It’s really getting to me and it’s been horrible having to go by my day to day like nothing is wrong. I had to continue to work and be in work meetings an hour or two after I found out about the miscarriage.. it’s really killing me inside and no one understands why I am so sad.