Uncomfortable baby 😭


So my 4 week old hadn’t pooped in a week and was extremely fussy. We’d tried warm baths, bicycle kicks, tummy massages, but nothing was helping. We went to the doctor yesterday, during the exam they pushed on her belly a lot. She is gaining weight but not at the rate they would like to see. Because I am breastfeeding their thought was that she wasn’t getting enough to eat to produce poop so they told me to offer a bottle after every nursing session. About 30 minutes after we got home from the appointment she pooped (I’m guessing from all the pushing they did on her belly) and she was a completely different baby. Hardly any fussiness, slept the best she ever has.

She was in the same good mood this morning, took a good morning and early afternoon nap, but as the day has gone on she has become more and more fussy, won’t take the bottle after nursing, fighting going to sleep and when she does fall asleep wakes up crying after 10-15 minutes. She hasn’t pooped today. I’ve tried all the same things—massages (with more pressure, but I don’t want to hurt her), warm bath, tummy time, bicycle kicks.

I feel like she has to be uncomfortable because of the difference pooping yesterday made.

It’s breaking my heart 😭