Too Much Milk!


With my first I tried everything and breastfeeding was hell. I hated it. With my daughter, she was in the NICU and they supplemented formula but I still pumped and offered breast and after a few weeks of being home she was EBF. She’s going to be 5 months. Before going back to work I had 30 feedings in the freezer for her. My supply never dropped so I pump for her twice while I’m at work and once before bed. That gives me about 15 oz besides feeding her from the breast. On average she’ll only eat about 3 Oz every 2.5 hours so she averages 9-12 Oz a day at daycare. Weekends I’m just freezing it. I’m up to 55 feedings now and have started packaging them in higher amounts like 4 or 5 instead of 3 Oz. My goal was to not do formula at all anymore and so I wanted to make it to her first birthday. With this much pumped already and I think I’ve only ever used two freezer bags of milk, what should I do? I’ve looked into donor banks and am considering doing that (she had some donor milk in the hospital and it would be nice to give back). If for some reason they won’t take the milk, I have no idea what to do with all of it. I’m under the impression it’s good for 8 months in our deep freezer (that’s what the donor page requires...that it’s not been frozen for more than 8 months) but I just feel like that we are doing so well I’m not really going to need to touch the freezer stash much. For anyone who donated milk before, when did you KNOW you could do it and not end up running out for your own baby? Will some day I just stop producing? I’m so scared to give it away but don’t want to be wasteful. Also, how much does/did your 5 month old eat at a time? I feel like my son was up to 6 Oz of formula by now...and she’s hovering around 2.5-3 Oz of BM in that same time span.