EDIT: What tests do I need to have the doctor run on my husband if I think he has cheated?



I believe my husband has cheated on me. So before I have sex with him again, I want him to get tested for anything he could have picked up, if he did cheat. He knows that I think he has cheated (I’ve found multiple signs, but no solid “evidence). If I call and make him an appointment, what tests do I need to ask them to run? Std? Sti? Herpes blood test? If you ask for one test, does that cover everything possible to test for?

Please no crap about “if you don’t trust you’re husband, why are you with him?” I want to get tests done, but I don’t know what to ask the doctor for. Thank you.


I want to clear something up for those of you who are confused. I thought it would go without saying, but clearly I would not have sex with my husband again if he tested positive for any form of STD or anything. I know that I am clean because I had the tests done when I birthed our daughter. So if he has picked something up from cheating on me, then that would mean that I would divorce him. Like I stated originally, I don’t have solid evidence that he has cheated, therefore the tests would help me to better make a decision. Yes, we are having marital trust issues. No, that is not cause for divorce, at this point. I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to make sure your partner is clear of STDs before having sex with them, whether married or dating or one-night-standing. So please all of you who are telling me I’m “sad” or whatever for wanting tests done, just refrain from commenting further if you are not genuinely trying to be beneficial to this topic.

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Posted at
You should both have tests done. And ask for an std panel of urine and blood.What if nothing shows up? This still doesn’t prove he didn’t cheat. He could have gotten lucky or used a condom.Have you asked your phone company for phone records? You could see if there’s a new number being called/text at certain times


H • Apr 14, 2021
Thank you.


Posted at
I don't mean to be rude, but My God. You suspect him of cheating and are certain enough to warrant blood testing and the like. You want to have him tested. Not to slap him in the face with in divorce court.....But to continue your sexual relationship with him.Honey. Your worth is dragging on the floor. Please. For God's sake pick it up.
I don't mean to be rude, but My God. You suspect him of cheating and are certain enough to warrant blood testing and the like. You want to have him tested. Not to slap him in the face with in divorce court.....But to continue your sexual relationship with him.Honey. Your worth is dragging on the floor. Please. For God's sake pick it up.


Posted at
Really you want him tested that won’t prove Jack if he has been careful if he even is cheating....make all the app you want he doesn’t have to go nor will they give you his results so.......So yes if you dont trust him leave


Posted at
If you really do go through with this, you’d want him to have an STD panel done which would be swabs and blood test. Even so, this bigger question is, what will this change? If he comes back clean does it mean he didn’t cheat? No... you don’t know 100% that he cheated but if he did, whether he’s clean or not, he still cheated, and will probably cheat again. Are you really going to live the rest of your life like this? It’s going to turn you into a crazy person. This is really regardless of whether he cheated or not. You don’t even know if he cheated and whatever is going on between y’all has you acting like a crazy person. It’s not healthy.


Posted at
I’m gonna say it anyway...if you don’t trust your husband why are you with him? If you wanna subject yourself to this that’s your choice, but it’s obviously not the right one.


Posted at
Wow this is so sad i hope you get help


Shamya • Apr 14, 2021
Because you rather stay with someone who you believe cheated on you and get him tested rather than just leave


H • Apr 14, 2021
Why is this sad?


Posted at
I mean he can easily tell them he doesn’t want the test done or he doesn’t consent to it and they legally cannot tell you his results or if he even got tested but everything. Std panel herpes hiv. If you just say std they won’t check for herpes or hiv.


Posted at
A full Blood/urine panel. Herpes blood test usually isn’t recommended but you can request it. They normally test for that only if you have lesions that they can swab.


H • Apr 14, 2021
Thank you.


Posted at
You say a full std/sti screening. Make sure to tell them you want EVERYTHING done. Also, I know you said you don’t want to have sex till you get the results back, but you should get tested too. If you think he’s cheated now, he could have in the past and you didn’t realize it.


H • Apr 14, 2021
Thank you.


Posted at
A lie detector TEST