18 month temper tantrums 🤯

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

At the stroke of midnight on April 9th, my girl went from the happiest baby in the world to a temper tantrum throwing full blown toddler. It was like a switch went off. I literally cannot do ANYTHING without her pitching a fit. I handed her a yogurt pouch (her favorite) yesterday morning and that triggered a meltdown. 🤯 Getting her dressed for daycare in the morning is like wrestling a screaming alligator. I’ve been ignoring them the best I can, but sometimes I need to take some kind of action to get out the door. Any advice for a first time mom or anyone want to just commiserate with me? I’m going to lose my mind...

Oh and I’m also 24 weeks pregnant so dealing with these tantrums is getting more and more difficult, physically and emotionally.