Does anyone feel this way?


Does anyone else feel like they’re going through their pregnancy alone? 8w pregnant with my second child and i honestly feel like I’m doing it solo.

We were actively trying for a second child, (our first child just turned two), and blessed when it happened quickly. When i try and talk to my husband about feeling like he’s not excited about this pregnancy, he’s very nonchalant, responding with because he’s done it before, “it’s not as exciting.”

I am active duty military, so i don’t have hardly any “in person” pregnant friends to relate to. I have a friend back home that’s pregnant but when i even try and talk to her about being pregnant or being excited about something, she just shoots me down too. (Ex. Excited about doing the Sneak Peek gender test this time around and she responds with “it rarely works anyway. Waste of money.”

I’m getting really depressed about this whole pregnancy (while i desperately want this child, and this child to be healthy, happy, etc) I’m getting to the point that I’m completely by myself with this one.

Being away from family and friends makes me feel alienated and alone most of the time anyway, but I’ve become used to it as I’ve accepted it as part of my career path, and visiting back home just isn’t financially realistic.

Does anyone else feel this way or can relate? I just want to know I’m not losing my mind. Thanks.