Am I being sensitive? (Drunk texts from aunt to DH?)

Am i being sensitive about my aunt? For starters I didn’t grow up close with her. She was never very loving with me. When I got married she started taking more of an interest which I appreciated a lot and was excited about. She helped out a lot with our wedding. After like 3 years of marriage we move like 5 minutes away from them. My husband works for my uncle so he’s over at their house every week. She really hit it off with my husband which I don’t have any problem with. Zero. The problems came when it started to be like playing favorites. Somewhere around this point I’ll mention she’s big into the Myers-Briggs personality test. Like really into it. According to her, my husbands personality type and hers are meant to be like best friends and have like a special understanding or something stupid like that. She pokes fun at my type for supposedly being ditzy and dumb. Almost every time I’m around her there’s at least one joke that I always just try to laugh at. My aunt literally has said out-loud that my DH is her fav and that I couldn’t ever die because then they’d never see him again. She goes out of her way to confide in him but barely talks to me. 99% of the time I have to instigate conversations with her. If I’m having a convo with her and my husband walks in, it’s automatically geared towards him. Ordinarily I’d say that’s good manners except she doesn’t do that with me if the convo starts with her and him. What really fired me up tonight though we’re a series of (apparently) drunk texts. We just found out we’re expecting. 6 weeks. (!!) She sent him like 9 texts super late and woke us both up. She said: “OMG we’re going to have a baby!!! Omgggg! Don’t worry, I’m going to be ok, I’m just so excited! I already cleared out three drawers for the baby!!” (This was all broken up into several consecutive messages) We literally have a group chat for the three of us but she chooses to just text him. I bust my butt to try to take an interest in her and be friendly but she only texts me to tell me when she’s going to swing by to pick up her kids when they’re at my house. Not once has she texted or called me to ask how I’m feeling. I’m not even vaguely irritated at my husband because I’ve seen him try to lay down boundaries plus I trust him 100,000,000%. I just feel like she’s super rude, inconsiderate, and disrespectful. One time she told him a secret and asked him NOT to tell me. He obviously did tell me. Maybe it’s just hormones but I can’t sleep because I’m so irritated. My husband’s going over tomorrow to work there and their kids are coming over to hang with me. Love those kids! I just know she’s going to be in their office trying to chat all day. I just wish she was vaguely that friendly and considerate with me. Then I would have a problem. What a shame I’m just a lame Idealist and she’s an all-knowing Guardian. 🙄 (That’s a reference to Myers-Briggs for those of you who aren’t familiar with it.)