Idk where to post this 🤔 Health question

I've been considering talking to a doctor about some issues. The catch is that I go through an online doctor and idk if the things I want to discuss can be "evaluated" properly online. I go through GoodRx and I got prescribed 3 different things from them to help my adult acne and so far I'm pleased. The issue is that I have quite a few things I'd like to talk about to a doctor and they have the option for a "general appointment" but they also have a "mental health" and Anxiety/depression etc." Option and idk what to choose mainly because Idk what my issue is exactly. I do feel panicky and have severe anxiety I THINK. I have zero energy... I used to.... But now I don't have the energy to do the things I want to do and beat myself up because I can't bring myself to do those things. I want to lie in bed all day and it sucks it's like a curse because I have so many goals. I miss my old drive and the energy I used to have. I'm only 23 btw. Depression does run in my family so does a lot of mental health issues and my husband even thinks I should get checked because I do have some trauma that I won't go into detail about. I'm always in pain, always want to be asleep, I may be hypoglycemic because when I don't eat much (especially sugar) I get very dizzy, I get MAJORLY upset and irritable, my lips go numb sometimes and I get pens and needles in my arms very easily, headaches and nausea. I just don't know how to go about looking into getting help for these issues? Especially since there are multiple things I'd like to discuss. Should I go to the anxiety/depression side or the general appointment side??? The only thing I brought up to a doctor in the part almost 10 years is my acne and that's because it's easy, this other stuff is more important tbh. I just don't know how to go about talking about it, especially online.