14 month old won’t feed

She usually finishes her bottle of about 8oz. Since 4 days ago, she didn’t finish her milk, left 2oz. Then at night, she refused to drink her new milk. Same with the following days. Yesterday, her dad was able to make her drink about 5.75oz but none for the rest of the day. Our Pediatrician said that if she’s less active or doesn’t have a wet diaper to bring her to the ER. She woke up a bit lethargic and her overnight diaper wasn’t full so we decided to being her to the ER. The attending, with guidance of our Pedia, told

us that she has milk fatigue. Gave a different brand of formula milk to try. At lunch, I prepared a small amount of the new milk but unfortunately she smelled the milk on her spoon when dad tried to feed her porridge. She only ate a little scrambled egg on her own. What else should we do?