Does anyone else have issues with their MIL

Hello everyone, I am getting married May 29th and I have been so stressed with planning the wedding, however my future mother in law is making everything so annoying for me. For starters when I told her my color she scoffed at it, repeated it twice and said why that color?? Then she went to my future brother in law’s wife and was saying that she didn’t like the color. Then when I showed her my dress all she said was that I had gained weight. Then in the process of not trying to invite so many people to the wedding she goes “I need 3 extra invitations for people I want to invite and I want you to invite the whole church… I’m paying for the food.” Like it doesn’t bother me that she wanted to invite people, it’s the fact that she knew for three weeks we were working on a guest list and didn’t bother to say anything until I got done with numbers she wants to demand invitations. On top of that she just has a need to throw her opinions on how we should do things and i get so irritated bc it’s not her wedding but she’s somehow trying to make it hers. And she was even saying she wanted to wear white to the wedding. I just literally feel so frustrated with her am I in the wrong here??