Update on mom’s Condition


I posted about my mother a couple days ago about my brother finding her unconscious in the bathroom when he got home from work .

Update 1: Update: The doctors called My brother and asked for my moms medical history and they are going to do the MRI to try and rule out certain things as well as why they were asking her medical history too . She does have a ventilator to help her let breathe and they said how long it takes her to recover is on her because it could take her a few days to a a week it depends on her . They don't have anything concrete right now . We will keep you updated as much as possible . (May 4th)

Update 2: My brother called and they said that she Most likely had a seizure they aren't sure what type of Seizure they still have to do more test to find out . She still on the Ventilator but she has to do her dialysis from 10:15-11:15am but it could be longer. So they told My brother she can only have a max of two visitors at a time and that she is stable enough but for them to come visit after 12:00pm or 1:00pm . (May 5th)

Update 3: Yesterday : They did an ultrasound and found out she has blood clot in the back of her neck and little clots in her arm but she still has a fighting chance but they are trying to figure out what they are going to do to get the blood clot out of the back of her neck .(May 6th)

Update 4: (May 6th )They Did a Spinal Tap

Update 5: (May 7th )They did a CT Scan

Update 6: (May 8th)

Today they told my brother and I that they are going to take her off Tylenol so it doesn’t affect her liver. They said when she was admitted her blood pressure was 240/160 . So they said the spinal tap that they did to collect fluid didn’t show any bacteria . That her CT scan came back normal they didn’t find any strange . They are trying to get her blood pressure to 90/60 and while we were their it was 150/79 then went to 166/79 . The medicine they gave her is to help lower her blood pressure and to slow her heart rate because her rate was at 100-105bpm . They said the swelling has went down around her brain they believe it might be PRES but they want to do all the tests they can to make sure they aren’t missing something and to make sure it’s not something rare . They want her to be able to wake up within 3-4days and they want to be able to take her off the ventilator and have her breathing 90% on her own instead of the 70% she is at now . They are going to re-do another spinal tap and MRI on Monday or Tuesday. They said that she has Auto Immune disease .

They are going to do her dialysis over a span over 24 hours instead of 3hours they think that’s what might have caused her high blood pressure. Her electrolytes are holding up great . Depending on how she does my brother and I will have big decisions to make regarding a tracheostomy to help her breath better and something instead her stomach so she can eat . Everything looking good right now .

(May 9th) Not many updates

(May 10th)

her blood pressure is 120/66 her heart rate is 100bpm . They just got through changing everything and giving her medicine.

(May 11th)

Her Seizure caused her a brain herniation which in then caused the swelling inside her brain the doctors had talked about placing a ICP Bolt -SUBDURAL SCREW (BOLT) This method is used if monitoring needs to be done right away. A hollow screw is inserted through a hole drilled in the skull. It is placed through the membrane that protects the brain and spinal cord (dura mater). This allows the sensor to record from inside the subdural space and it wasn’t caused by her fall.

(May 12th)

They had her on her Dialysis when my brother and I got to the hospital . They nurse told us that the night before she was breathing for 2hours on her own and then for 3hours by the time we got to the hospital and that she has been opening her eyes spontaneously on her own & 100% on her own breathing without the help of the ventilator.

(May 13th)

they just gave her oxycodone for pain management and she was bending her knee for two hours abnormally and she following commands very slowly nurse told us she blinked her eyes twice and she opened them a-little and they want to do the Peg/trach Today .They took her to take her down to get labs done at around 12:00pm and My brother and I are just wanting on the surgical team so he can give them consent for the surgery . They are giving her a different type of blood pressure medication and at higher dosage and it's working a lot better than the one she was taking at home . They said that her food would be liquid until she is able to swallow and it usually takes about 20mins-45mins but they won't put the Peg in until 8hours after the surgery and I told them she doesn't have any Food allergies that we are aware of even through they will be giving her liquid food until she is able to swallow her food and as she wakes up more they want to get her to move her muscles more so they don't get stiff they put a bear hugger on her which is warmer so she doesn't get cold because they swelling of the brain may pressed were her temperature control of her body is at and they said in the long run if the she needs help breathing while she has the trach in that they are able to do that if she is having trouble breathing .

PEG stands for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, a procedure in which a flexible feeding tube is placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. PEG allows nutrition, fluids and/or medications to be put directly into the stomach, bypassing the mouth and esophagus. I had to ask them because I didn't understand what it stood for myself .

they also told My brother and I that they want wean her off the oxycodone slowly after they do the trach and it heals so she doesn't become dependent on it for pain.

They are going to start her tracheostomy Surgery tomorrow morning (May 14th) at 9:00am and then her PEG will be done 8hours after the Surgery.

If you ladies can keep her in your Prayers it would mean a lot thank you 🙏🏾 ☺️.