Bleeding concern


I’m 7 weeks pregnant. Yesterday I had very light cramping and some bleeding. It wasn’t what I would call heavy but it certainly wasn’t spotting either. After about three wipes, it wiped clear. This morning I went to the bathroom and had brown spotting. I went again and had brown spotting. I had spotting about two weeks ago and went to the ER. Got my HCG levels read and they told me everything was fine and progressing normally. Doctors told me my numbers doubled more than enough. They literally just did an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy and checked the heartbeat 3 days ago and told me it was exactly where it needed to be. I also had black tarry bowels this morning. Sorry for the TMI. I have my first prenatal appointment today. I’m just a little panicked. Anybody else experience something like this and it turned out to be fine ?