Temper tantrum hell 😭

Tiffany 💙👼🏼💙

Is anyone else’s little one throwing huge tamper tantrums?? My body is sore from having to contain my son at the store today. At one point he didn’t want to keep walking (but he refused to let me pick him up) so he just laid in the floor 🤦🏻‍♀️ i had to pick him up and it looked like I was kidnapping the boy. Bed/nap time is like wrestling an alligator. I KNOW he’s tired and needs a nap- we have the same schedule as before and I follow his queues. But omg-he throws himself all over the place, kicks & screams. The second he sits still he’s out but it takes forever to put him down for a nap or bedtime now 😭😭 we’re currently trying for baby #2 but at this point I’m getting worried I won’t be able to handle another one.