Jesus did it , we are Pregnant after 7months TTC


It’s been a long 7 months TTC.

(A little history) we have a one and half year old boy, this is our second. We started TTC in Nov 2021, mmmm I thought it was going to happen immediately especially because our son was conceived on our first month trying 🤣🤣🤣. Nothing happened in Nov, so we said ok, Dec it is and then nothing again and so was January and February. I couldn’t believe what was happening. We prayed and cried to God with questions wondering what was happening, begging God to please bless us. Then I told my husband I had found an RE and will be booking an appointment.

Then that journey started, the specialist ordered bloodwork, did the HSG and the results were perfect. I was ovulating normally and my tubes were fine. He then said he was going to put me on Clomid on the next cycle. Ok, I thought, this is it. I went for my baseline sonogram and RE checked everything and said my right ovary is super high and it could be the reason why I wasn’t able to get pregnant, and continued to say he can see that my CS scaring was pulling the right ovary ( I got worried and kept praying to God). That said, I had about 14 follicles on both ovaries and he was impressed. So he went ahead and put me on 50mg of clomid and also ovidrel shot. I went back for the second sono after about a week and had 2 mature follicles on my right(22mm and 20mm) and one on the left (28mm) and he said that was a cyst because it was over mature. The RE was impressed and said I should trigger at noon that same day and then BD the next three days. I was excited and believed that cycle I was definitely going to get pregnant. Guess what, nope , I didn’t, AF showed up. I cried turned to God, asking God why but then I said Gods time is the best.

I scheduled my next baseline sonogram, got there and when the RE looked in there, he said, he is so sorry I can’t get on clomid this cycle, we have to skip because the cyst that developed on your left ovary did not shrink, it got bigger, was now about 5cm. Ooh, I could not believe, I started crying, my husband I had planned for the cycle to be an <a href="">IUI</a>. The RE said to come in when my next cycle starts. I was so sad the rest of the day and my husband said everything should be ok. My husband said we would BD during fertile window and that we never know.

My husband had to travel towards day of ovulation so we bd days leading to OV day, on the predicted OV day my BBT rather dropped drastically and the opk was not totally positive, then after two days I had a blazing + opk that the app detected as 118%( I have never gone past 79%) and then temp rose. I called hubby and told him he needed to be home tonight. He drove for 4 hours, got home at about 2 am, we BD that morning then, in the night and the next day morning.(I ovulated 2days after predicted day) We’ve been praying for twin girls and we believe and Know God never fails. So my husband said I came home to put my girls in you (hahhaaa) better take care of them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I normally start taking the test at 9dpo, this time I told hubby I’m not taking anything, I’ve had so many blanc test and don’t want to feel that sadness again. So I didn’t take the test. Period was due today and hubby was suppose to travel. He said there was no way he will leave without knowing what the test results are. So we took a the test, within seconds, there was a dye stealer line on the cheapie we used. Unbelievable, I screamed and jumped, we prayed, we thanked God. With a 5cm cyst, I still got pregnant, just when we thought nothing will happen, that’s when it happened.

To all the women TTC, God is Awesome, he did it for us he will do it for you, his promise never fails. His delay is not denial. God works in mysterious ways, He makes a way where there seem to be no way. Trust in him, look up to him and he will never fail. God Bless you all🥰🥰

PS - told you guys we have been praying for twin girls. I have faith that I am either carry twin girls or twin girls and a boy. YES TWINS or Tripplets (Faith moves mountains) will keep you all posted after the first OBY appt.