Relationship Fix.....Need Girl Help


Ladies.....does your man ever push your buttons so hard that you’re ready to best his living ass? LOL SAME

okay okay but ladies I do need advice. I met my boyfriend in October, surprisingly right after a toxic 3 year cheating relationship from my ex (who is now engaged to a girl he met a month after, nbd). Since then we have been on and off twice. Mostly because there is arguments and disagreements and fighting and everything. We got back together in March after almost a month break up, and since then it’s been ok. We do argue and it seems more that we argue than get along. Some days are great, others not so much. Some days we have great sex, sometimes I’m just not in the mood for. I also feel as if he doesn’t really understand where I come from. He says I barely communicate but every time I feel like I do, he gets the wrong inception or is hard headed about his answer/point of view. We’re both Taurus so there’s that one lol. I do love him, I do care for him, but it’s been so difficult and it’s been to the point where I’m so fed up and lost feelings- even during sex sometimes I’m not into it. I’m trying my hardest to regain this and to fix this, but it’s difficult when I can’t come across him. 9/10 times I end up getting so mad and starting an argument with him.

I know I’m not the only one out there....but I want to save this relationship. I know my past still taunts me, I’m afraid of being hurt again, but sometimes idk what is okay and if it’s even meant to be anymore. I’m also getting this feeling where he doesn’t want to be with me anymore and just says “idk what you’re talking about” or, “you’re overreacting”

This sucks and hurts more than it should.