We tried for 3 years... Now that I'm pregnant he doesn't want the baby...

This might be long so I'm sorry I just need to rant... please also don't judge I just can't handle someone being mean right now im very sensitive...

I've been with this guy for three years. And just recently I've noticed that he is abusive. After I get pregnant... I have no friends and no family. He has isolated me from everyone. I'm disabled so I can't work. I'm trapped. He talked me into trying for a baby. Since I have PCOS we knew it would take a while and I have wanted a baby since I was a kid.

Well now that I'm pregnant he doesn't want the baby. Im almost 16 weeks. I thought he would change when he saw the baby. When my belly got bigger. When he heard the heartbeat, but no. He refuses to spend any money on the baby but buys WW2 relics and shit. Everything I have for the baby so far has been donated. He refuses to tell his family because they will be really upset so I won't even get the chance of a baby shower or a "congratulations". I cant even announce it on social media. I just wish I had friends. Pregnancy is supposed to be joyous and I don't get to experience any of it. At this point I just want to be alone. But I don't know how to get away. He frequently pushes me to have sex with him when I vocally tell him no and push him away. I end up faking an orgasm so he'll come so he says "you always end up liking it you always come" which obviously isn't true. Today I almost fainted because after a 2 hour grocery shopping trip I had to cook him dinner. Right then. In the heat. It could have also caused a seizure as I am epileptic. The cops have been involved once because of how he was treating me but there is nothing they can do. Shelters are closed, I have no family or friends to turn to, and they're only sending people with serious offenses to jail. Also, I don't want to send him to jail. I just wish I could get away unscathed. He always tells me I'm getting fat, that I'm going to be a bad mom. Before I got pregnant I was 189 and 5 foot 7. Sure, chunky but im also recovering from an eating disorder. Now I weigh 208... I have turned to food instead of Alcohol or drugs or something else. I usually binge and purge but now that I'm pregnant I just eat whatever I want. I've offered to get an abortion since he seems so fucking unhappy with me pregnant now but he says no. Which I'm glad about because I do want this baby. More than anything else. But I don't want him/her to have a bad life. Anyway sorry for the long post.

EDIT: Even if the police report was 3 months ago? Could I still take it?

Also, to the person who said ask friends/family I CANT. I literally have no one. I'm not just saying that for fun or as an exaggeration. My mom is dead, my dad will not talk to me due to things I did in the past. Im a recovering heroin addict. And I have literally no friends. I also don't have Facebook which is the only social media I could find old friends on. He controls my social media. The only reason he doesn't go on here is because he thinks it's all baby/mom related and doesn't care. I'm typing this at 1am while he is asleep and I'm exhausted so I can't call all these places during business hours cause he's awake. I have thought of everything. I cant even leave the house without him. I currently get EBT and that pays for both of our food. I have applied for disability but im still waiting for them to contact me.