June baby nomore


I had my baby boy May 31st at 9:11 AM. I went into triage on May 30th at 3 AM with constant contractions. I was sent home due to being 3 cm dialated. The midwife did tell me "see you later 😏". She did say he was sunny side up and sideways and to move him, I had to stand with my belly down. So I went about my day, went to a BBQ, and ate some good food.

At about 3:45 I got up to go to the restroom and I felt a big trickle, like a faucet. It looked similar to the discharge I was already having, except it kept coming down. I realized it was my water, accompanied by contractions.

I got to triage again at about 4:30 PM.

I was finally admitted.

I was still 3 cm dialated.

Fast forward it's 4 AM, no dialation improvement. My amniotic sac wasn't fully ruptured so they ruptured it. After that, my contractions were incredibly painful, but I was at 5 cm now.

I was against any pain medication due to having my daughter without any. But I couldn't handle it anymore. I asked for fentanyl, and once it started wearing out, I asked for the epidural.

It was a miracle after that because I virtually had no pain. I was able to rest for 3 hours. I wasn't checked thereafter, and I asked to be checked at about 7. I literally felt him crowning already. I didn't call anyone again until 8:30 and said I need to push. He was crowning already and I did about 20 mins of pushing and he was out.

Listen to your body, listen to your baby 🥰