My boyfriend makes everything about him. Am I overreacting?

I’ve been with my bf for 8 years. We have a 2 year old daughter together and he has always made everything about him.

When I gave birth to her- he made comments to everyone about how we had such a cute baby because of him. He always says “it’s because she has me as a dad” whenever she does something cute or smart. He belittled how easy it was for me to give birth...

Then I started to lose weight and he’s been constantly saying “I tried to get you to lose weight all the time so idk why you’re taking it so seriously now” “always listening to dumb moms on YouTube instead of your boyfriend” instead of saying he’s proud of me. Or “I don’t know why you can’t put that sort of effort into coming onto me or initiating sex with me” because I don’t like being intimate with him because he constantly demands it.

And yesterday sent me over the edge. I promoted at work and started crying because I was so happy. Again, he made it about him saying “I don’t know why you never get excited like that when I do stuff for you” FIRST OF ALL HE BARELY DOES SHIT FOR ME. And I started crying telling him he makes everything about him and he basically denied doing any of it.

I honestly think I want to break up with him. We have other issues like he calls me names when we fight and he has a son who he does not know how to raise so this kid is a terror and I can’t handle trying to keep everyone happy all the time and take care of myself and my daughter.

What should I do??? Am I overreacting! I try so hard to make him happy