Possible gestational diabetes?

So... I’m 33 weeks and after putting off my glucose test since 26 weeks I finally went and got it done.. and to my surprise I failed. 🙃 The limit was 135 and my levels were 150. The ironic part though is that with my first pregnancy with my daughter, I did not take care of myself at all. I constantly ate fast food and didn’t work out, gained nearly 50 pounds.... but I passed the glucose test.

This pregnancy with my son, I’ve ate so much cleaner and I go to the gym daily, but I failed it this time?

I have an ob appointment tomorrow so more than likely I’ll be getting a blood work order to do the 3 hour test. I know many are likely to go on and pass the 3 hour test but I’m nervous I won’t pass it. One of the main reasons is because I’ve noticed everyday that after a meal, especially the first one of the day, I have to lay down for a bit because I feel like either my blood pressure or blood sugar (can’t tell which?) just drops (or spikes?) and I feel like I’m gonna pass out.

I’m just in shock still that I didn’t pass because I’ve been taking care of myself so well. I am having a boy, but I’m not sure that makes a difference? I do know the risks associated with gestational diabetes though, such as higher birth weight, preeclampsia, increase risk of being induced early or delivering via csection.

My mom did have preeclampsia with my brother so I’m not sure if it’s hereditary?

Anyway, if you’ve stuck with me this long, thank you and any advice would be appreciated! 🙏