Opks and when to have sex

I almost always ovulate on the same day every month and show the same ovulation symptoms, but this month has been so weird. I’m ovulating 5-6 days late and my symptoms are not as obvious as they normally are (I usually have bloating and a lot of EW fluid). So I’m relying on OPKs a lot more this month than I normally would- I usually just know I’m ovulating.

I took ab OPK that was not positive but close around 8 pm yesterday. Then I took another one an hour or two later and it was not even close... very weird! My DH and I had sex anyways around 11 pm. I took a test this morning and it was super pos, but my DH and I won’t have time to have sex again today until after my toddler goes to bed tonight. I don’t want to miss our opportunity so is that still in the window of optimal fertility?