Really Emotional

Mystic🌙Momma • Boy Momma 💙 | Engaged | Aquarius | Pagan 🔮 | Pregnant 🤰🏻

This is really just a vent, sorry ladies 😅🤣

I dont remember feeling this emotional when I was pregnant with my son. I’m so happy that we’re having our second and right around the time for the age gap we wanted. We’re close to finding out the gender and we’re so excited.

Even though there is just an overwhelming amount of happiness I can’t help but to also feel like I’m losing something. Our son is 2.5 and will be 3 by the time baby #2 is here. He’s finally in the lovey dicey stage where all he wants is hugs and kisses and cuddles. And I love the fact that at this moment I can give all that attention to him. I fear once the baby is here that he won’t understand we won’t be able to focus on just him. I know he loves babies so in the end it’ll be alright. But I’m nervous for the transition of 1 to 2 kids. I’m ready for it, I’m just hoping our son will adjust too.