Egg retrieval #2 today - 19 eggs!

Sal • One 💙, one 👼🏻, one 🌈 🎀, by ovulation induction after 2 failed IVF cycles 🤯 | Hypothyroidism & lean pcos 🤨

Hi ladies!


<a href="">IVF</a> cycle - 17 eggs collected, only 11 mature, 10 fertilized, 4 blastocysts formed but all were abnormal on PGT.

Now this cycle so far I have 19 eggs! Waiting to see what we go...

Anyone else in a similar timeline?? How ya doing??


FML.... only 7 fertilized. Probably because we stimmed so fast, only 6 days, so not enough mature. We don’t have MFI. Just crushed...worse odds than last cycle and I am in so much more recovery pain this cycle.