Do you agree or disagree?


I was came across the Report of the Ministerial inquiry on Religious Education in Ontario Public Elementary Schools which is a document on education from 1990. It says in part of it:

"An educational system cannot be neutral. If there is no religious education or any form of religion in the schools, then secular humanism, by default, becomes the basic belief system. Secular humanism does not represent a neutral position."

"In every relationship, and especially in that between a teacher and a student, there is something that can be referred to as religious education. It is the transmission of ideas, or answers to significant life-related questions, or it is the exemplification of values by ‘precept and example.’ There is no way to avoid such an interaction and the learning experience associated with that relationship over a period of time."

I see what they are saying, but at the same time I disagree because they could easily teach the basics of all religions, as well as a secular world view in public schools in a neutral way where nothing is favored if they wanted to.

Would you prefer that public schools teach nothing but a secular world view, or would you prefer them to teach as many world views as possible, but all from a neutral standpoint?

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