What would you do?


I have mentioned here before that I work in a hospital and my boss put me on the covid unit even though she knew I was pregnant. I’m vaccinated. I tried to do it but I couldn’t shake the worry and ended up having a panic attack. My boss pulled me from the unit but asked to have my OB sign a form.

I had an appointment with an OB in my practice - not mine - just one that was available. He had a kind tone but said the following, I have three options, to get another job, stop working, or go on psych meds. He wouldn’t sign the form. He ended it by saying “you decided to get pregnant during a pandemic.”

Ok - so I was tearful this whole exchange and just felt powerless. I just accepted it and left. About a week later I realized how inappropriate all of that was and got angry.

What would you do? Should I talk to my OB about what happened? I was less than thrilled with her response to my Covid concerns before all of this happened. I just feel like I won’t be validated.

My first pregnancy was with this group and it went so, so well.