Need help not sure if it’s period or IB?


Hey guys sorry for the picture ! I am just a little bit scared I might be pregnant.

I was 10 days late on my period. I was due on 5/27/2021.

I had sex (with condom) on 5/5/21.

My period never came not until so I took urine home test all negative

On 6/4 I went to go a blood test

Which showed <5 (which is a negative)

During this week I had mild cramps and tender breast .

On 6/5 when I woke up and had light bleeding with cramps 6/6 was - bit more of a blood flo but still not like my normal typical period (picture below is day 6/6) just woke up 6/7 and I hardly have anything very light pink but hardly anything also my boobs no longer feel sore or tender . I am freaking out because I am not trying to get pregnant and I think this might be IB !!?? Or is this a weird period? I’m just confused and scared

Please someone let me know what y’all think. I have ultrasound scheduled on 6/10 and hoping to get answers because this has never happened to me.