

I’ve struggled with so much anxiety this pregnancy, it being my first. I have anxiety as it is, unfortunately. Being plus size and pregnant is a blessing but I get down about some things sometimes. I just have to have a lot of trust and faith. I’m 24 weeks and have had zero issues so far, which should be encouraging to me. Baby’s movements are there but subtle, though doctors tell me not to worry and he always sounds and looks good. I just wish the feel-able movements were more obvious and I’m sure they will be later on… not gaining weight has been interesting, too. I definitely am popping out more, but it’s just been weird. Just feeling little movements and not looking super pregnant makes me insecure about the baby all the time. I eat a lot healthier than I used to but don’t exercise and sometimes am afraid I sleep too much at night. I’m really trying my best to be as healthy as possible for him, but sometimes anxiety gets the best of me.

I’m sure the baby will be perfectly fine and I want to enjoy this pregnancy, just had to vent and get some feelings out 💙