

My son turned 9 months old yesterday and I’m a little concerned about his milestones…we go to the ped for a check up on Monday, but just wanted to see if anyone else’s babe is the same..

- He doesn’t roll over. He CAN. He’s done it many times. He just chooses not to I guess.

- He can sit on his own, but is still a bit wobbly and I don’t feel comfortable leaving him sitting to even just walk across the room to grab something. He can’t put himself into a sitting position from laying down.

- He doesn’t crawl. I know this might come later. I don’t think my daughter crawled until around 10 months. And he is able to turn himself so I’m sure actually crawling will come soon.

- He does not pull himself up to stand. I think my daughter was doing this around 7 months old. He doesn’t really show an interest.

He’s a perfectly happy baby, and maybe he’s just a little lazy, idk. I know every baby develops and hits milestones at their own pace, but do you think I should be concerned?