Emotional abuse

I Really don't know the point of me writing this down, anyway me and my partner have been together for nearly 2 years now I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and his made his pregnancy a living hell I haven't once enjoyed a moment of it.

His done nothing but emotional abused me, calling me a fat pig bearing in mind I opened up to him saying I felt fat because nothing fits me anymore ( I know it's because I'm pregnant) constantly bittles me, I've just had enough but everytime I ask him to leave he thinks I'm joking and he don't.

We live in a 2 bedroom flat on the ground floor, out neighbours upstairs smoke weed and constantly bang till early hours I raised this issue with my housing officer many times but she don't really care. Everyday I'm getting abuse from him because she isn't sorting it out and it's my fault. I just want to sit in a corner and cry and not talk to anyone. His made me feel like I don't wanna be here anymore.