Sleep training 😩😢

Mama D • JDH 💙🌈 GAH #boymama

I am DESPERATE… hints why I am writing this in the middle of the night. Our 21 month old is struggling with a proper sleep routine.

- has to lay down with us to get to sleep (30+ mins)

- will wake up middle of the night now and want us to come lay back with him for remainder of the night

- won’t let me lay him down for a nap unless I stay there and if I don’t stay there it’s a super short nap, if I do stay there we get 2.5 hrs.

He cries so hard if we try to just leave the room. I am expecting our 2nd in 4 months and I really need this kiddo to slee independently and without so much assistance. We’ve had a lot of changes in the last several months and have developed horrible routines so I get it but now I need help.

Hire a sleep consultant? Buy a sleep program?

Anyone else struggling or did and have figured it out ??