Conceived after paragard?


Hi all! I'm an ultrasound/sonographer at a busy OBGYN office. I've seen it all, iuds not in the right location, ectopics, etc. Here's my dilemma...I haven't been on birth control in 5 years, and my partner and I agree it's time to be more responsible with family planning. We've used the pull out method and feel we're just getting lucky and don't want to risk it anymore. We want just one child, in 3-4 years. I'm 26 now, and as BADLY as I want a child it's just not the right time. I can't be on anything hormonal, it makes me want to put a bullet in my brain. I've tried everything except the copper iud. From what I've seen, I'm worried it'll affect my fertility I've tried to preserve for these last 5 years. How fast did you all (first pregnancy) get pregnant after removal?