Super clingy toddler


My 22 month old is super clingy with me. She’s always been but lately it’s gotten to the point where she won’t even go to my husband when we are home and she sees me. She’s close to him and he spends lots of time with her mind you, but when she sees me she just wants me. I can’t get anything done unless I hide from her basically. If we are in public and in an unknown place, it’s the same way. She clings on to me and only me.

Now the issue is we will be starting daycare in a couple of months and I’m scared about how she will adjust. How can I better prepare her? Right now she has a nanny who watches her but besides that she’s never been to daycare and no one else has watched her for long periods of time (aside from my husband of course). What can I do to ease this transition and have her not be as clingy with me?