At what point do you stop trying?


All I ever wanted was to be a mom. At 16 I was told I would have a hard time getting pregnant. And I did. I didn’t marry & start trying until I was 30yrs old. After 3 years & 2 miscarriages, we were blessed with a healthy baby boy. I knew I wanted to evaluate our situation by his second birthday to decide if it was time to start trying for a second child. Well my son will be 2yrs in 3months (mid October) I will be 36 come January. Our life is stable & manageable, but not where we hoped to be by now. I can see how having a second child would still be manageable, my husband is of course worried about finances. We both want a second child, but when is it the right time? I feel like if we wait for a house or finances to improve, that it may never work out the way he wants. I also worry about my health & ability to conceive, carry & birth another child as my last pregnancy ended 4wks early due to preeclampsia. I never thought I would be faced with my “window” closing (hoped I’d be a younger mom) but the reality is it’s already hard to conceive in general, let alone my age. To add to it, my husbands sex drive has dramatically decreased. A part of me wants to just stop using protection & see if it happens for us. I don’t want to track ovulation or anything, I just want to stop “preventing” the possibility & whatever happens, happens. My husband doesn’t understand my reasoning. He’s worried & I get it. I feel we both need to agree, but I do not think he understands the severity of it being “time sensitive”.

I know my body & it’s current state won’t be able to handle the pregnancy trauma much longer.

So at what point do you stop trying & give up? It’s a super emotional decision.