Newbie to the App


Hello all (super long beginners post),

My husband and I have been together for 10 years on August 28th! This year will be our 1 year married (we married the same day we started dating) ❤

A few weeks ago we decided I would stop taking bc (the pill)! As excited as we are, we have taken a very cautious approach to telling friends and family. Both our families have been extremely fertile. However, my mother, my MIL, and my older sister all also had a miscarriage. We, mainly I but my husband agrees, don't want to have the pressure, questions, and expectations set on us.

It's so exciting but it can also be frustrating. Telling the wrong person can mean constantly being watched like a hawk (not having an adult drink at a gathering), assumptions....I just don't want to do that to myself. Yes, our families are fertile, but what if it takes me longer than most expect? What if I miscarry and have to have that conversation as well?

We want to be in control. And I have no doubts in our approach. But it can also be sad because I know how happy it would make my MIL. But I know, with all good intentions, she would make it miserable for me. Because that's all she would see and think about around me. We just want to let it happen when it happens and not let others consume our lives solely on this new change.

Has anyone else ever felt this way? How did you deal with the excitement but also not feel guilty for your decision to withhold it from certain people (or everyone for that matter)?

Thanks in advance ❤