

I am currently a stay at home mom I have 2 boys 5 year old and a 2 year old my ex meaning my boys father doesn’t have much to do with our kids we been broken up for 3 years I left him because he was abusive towards me and always cheated on me never wanted to stay home and help with our kids I was doing it by myself 24/7. He’s currently on child support he’s been on it for a year and half now he hasn’t paid 1 single dollar on child support I been the main caregiver for our kids not him he only wants to see his kids when it’s convenient for him I have try my hardest to have him keep our boys on the weekends and I would have them during the week but he would never agree to it he’s only kept them twice this year over night that’s it he never calls my cell phone to ask about our kids or even ask to pick them up for a while or keep them over night when I actually try to talk to him about keeping our boys he brings up he doesn’t have food to feed them or his gas got turned off or his lights just got shut off I have all of this on text messages. when i actually try to speak to him about how wrong he does our kids and how he doesn’t act like a father he calls me a cunt, bitch, stupid, I can’t read or comprehend anything when I clearly can if I can’t read then I wouldn’t even be able to type this message out or even read what he messages me he’s called me worse then this I am tired of taking the time of my life even my boys life to try to make him a part of when he doesn’t even want to be a father to them I been doing this for 3 years now I feel like it’s time I have realize he’s never gonna be the father towards our two boys I need to honestly accept that and move on with our life’s I honestly don’t wanna keep doing this 2-3 years down the road having contact with him knowing he wants nothing to do with our boys or even help me raise them maybe one day down the road maybe he will realize he needs to grow up and take responsibility when it comes to being a parent I haven’t spoke to him since last Friday he’s blocked on my Facebook and it’s honestly going to stay that way I am just tired of giving a low life beat dad chances after chances when he’s not even willing to make them for his children. But I have spoke to my case worker apparently his court date is setup for September 9th for him not paying his child support not only that apparently he had a warrant out for shoplifting as well I just found that out last week.