In the hospital... but not to give birth 😭


Woke up Wednesday feeling like I’d been hit by a car. So weird. On Thursday, I felt even worse and had a high fever. Called the hospital to see what they thought.

The maternity ward told me to come in for monitoring and testing so I did. After PCR, vaginal, urine, and blood tests, apparently I have two different urinary infections that seem to be causing the body pains and fever. They’re actually keeping me here for 48 hours 😣 on IV meds and monitoring baby 3x a day. I wish I would’ve given a big hug and kiss to my 2 year old before leaving yesterday morning!!!

Baby’s heartbeat was really high during the first monitoring session but went back to normal after the first round of IV meds. Hoping things will continue to improve. My fever keeps spiking between IV doses... hoping it’ll start to stabilize soon.

My first fear was that they would have to induce me because baby was in distress or something, and since I feel like a truck ran over me, I was like omg how would I give birth in this condition?! But it doesn’t seem like that will happen, so yay. Due on the 25th and hoping to be in much better shape by then and that baby will be able to come on his own.